Monday, May 16, 2011

Plans still going on...

Disneyland went well. Had a fun time and would like to do it again sometime in the future. Now it's time to start on my life. I am now enlisted in the United States Air Force and I have a list of jobs that I qualified for and I have not yet picked one. I don't know when I leave for basic or even when I will be guaranteed a job. I want to go soon so I can jump start my life with my girlfriend. So thats pretty much it I guess. so my life is planned out well so far but who knows what will be thrown at me.

Johnathan Seymour

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Okay this is the first one of these I have done, not sure if I am going to do more after. Okay, well the point of this is to tell people what your thinking about or something along those lines. My name is Johnathan Seymour and I have a beautiful girlfriend and her name is Jerica.

Well the main thing I've been focused on is Disney Land, not the excitement of visiting either. Its about working and getting the money to go. I'm super stressed because I feel as though it is all on my shoulders, I have to come up with the money and its not cheap. I don't have a good job so its like counting pennies. I work at Long John Silvers and I get paid minimum wage, so I have to rely on my hours to get us there. It's going to be Jerica, her best friend Lizzie, Lizzie's boyfriend Angel; also a good friend of mine, two others,and I. Angel is taking care of himself, Lizzie's dad is paying for her. I am taking care of Jerica and I. We found a great deal but it is still quite pricey. Just for the two of us it will be five-hundred even, without food and souvenirs. So I'm just hoping to get enough to pay for the two of us to go. I hope that this post relieves my stress, just a little bit would be fine. Also, I'm joining the air force soon, I'm waiting to hear back from my recruiter.

I haven't really thought of a sign off so I'll just do it this way.

This is Johnathan Seymour signing off. Goodnight World.